The Orkney archipelago is as dramatic and diverse as the history and heritage that has shaped it. From the uninterupted archaeology of the middle stone age through time to the present day.
Allow me to give you a personal insight and foray deep into Orkney's past. I will enhance your visit to these shores, and "haste ye back" for a longer stay in the future.
Rackwick Bay
Hello and welcome to DAVEYS ORKNEY TOURS. My name is Davey Malcolm and I have QUALIFIED as a PROFESSIONAL green badge orkney TOURIST GUIDE, ACCREDITED by the STGA [SCOTTISH TOURIST GUIDE ASSOCIATION].I offer a DRIVER GUIDE service, where I offer ISLAND TOURS in my OIC [ORKNEY ISLANDS COUNCIL] licensed and registered motor vehicle. Mainland Orkney is connected to the SOUTH ISLES by the famous CHURCHILL BARRIERS, and has an incredibly rich, DIVERSE, HISTORY, HERITAGE and CULTURE.Our strategic GEOGRAPHICAL location and fertile FARMLAND, has been drawing in VISITORS and GUESTS, for thousands of years. We have some of the best NEOLITHIC ARCHAEOLOGY anywhere in EUROPE dating back to over 5,ooo years with the best known sites being SKARA BRAE, MAESHOWE and the HENGE MONUMENTS OF BRODGAR AND STENNESS.
ORKNEY is also renowned for its rich MARITME HERITAGE, fashioned and shaped by our strong NORSE connections cast in stone during a time of VIKING COLONISATION lasting between 9th and 15th centuries. In more recent times ORKNEY can boast incredible WORLD WAR 1 and 2 ARCHAEOLOGY, given the important role of SCAPA FLOWS NATURAL ANCHORAGE. In the present day our ECONOMY has diversified from TOURISM, AGRICULTURE, and OIL to include the new black gold economy of SUSTAINABLE RENEWABLE ENERGY. Orkney's unique ability to adapt to a constantly changing WORLD, is reflected in our INNOVATIVE and PIONEERING role in developing WIND, WAVE and TIDAL ENERGY. Allow me to be your personalised guide to take you on a trip through Orkney's PAST, FUTURE and PRESENT. For those GUESTS able to visit Orkney on a longer HOLIDAY or VACATION, I would recommend visiting the NORTHERN ISLES or near by ISLANDS of HOY and ROUSAY.